Well... my first 18-day adventure has sadly come to an end! I can't believe how much fun I had and how many things I got to see with my crew throughout the entire trip. Believe it or not, the annual 'Night of Lights' festival in Keflavic, Iceland was scheduled for last weekend, and it was our last night before we came home! There are approximately 10,000 people that live in Keflavic, and an estimated 40,000 people showed up. We walked the streets all day long with the locals, saw the carnival rides, tasted the food, and tried to keep warm! At dusk, the bands started on the stage along the ocean line, and we danced and sang along to Icelandic tunes until the fireworks started at 10:15. We of course, ended the night then with a beer at our favorite Irish Pub, Paddy's, then headed back to the hotel to get some rest before our ferry flight home the next morning. I can't imagine a better way to be sent off than by a huge festival that only comes around once a year!
My entire crew posing for a picture in front of our FAVORITE hangout, Paddy's on our last day in Keflavic... (back) Leslie, Poppy, Vicki, Andrea, Becky, Junior. (front) Danny, Me :-)
So many people! They blocked off all the streets!
Danny bought this handmade scarf from a local... 1200 kroners, or about $15 American money! What a deal! (And it kept him so warm that night!)
Carnival rides for the kiddies!
It's almost showtime! 'The Sweater Band' is about to start! (Our FAVORITE!)
All those ugly Christmas sweaters sure came in handy when these guys were thinking about a name for their band... ha! :-)
Dancin queen! Danny & Andrea break it down...
Their voices were so loud and booming, they sounded EXCELLENT together! Even though they sang in Icelandic and we couldn't understand a word, we still had a BLAST dancing to it!
And the fireworks started at 10:15 and went on for a half an hour! Amazing!
Kristi & I posing in the tent at Paddy's... one last beer before we leave! (Kristi is on another crew and is still there... I told my little buddy I'd be back in no time for her though! We are partners in crime!)
Poppy, Leslie, and Danny... loving those glasses they bought at the 'Night of Lights'!
BRR! I'd do anything to get warm!
What a great way to end an amazing trip! Back to Rockford now for a couple days off, then I'm getting another assignment starting this Friday. I can't WAIT to see where I'm off to next! Keep checking back for updates! For now... I'm going to go enjoy this beautiful Rockford sunshine and get some errands done!
Thanks for following me on my first journey! CHEERS!
-Lisa :-)
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