We're back in beautiful Budapest for a short 17 hour layover, but it was still enough time to grab a DELICIOUS authentic Hungarian dinner with my crew members on the riverboat last night! Danny had the great idea to go eat at 'Columbus'... right outside our hotel on a gorgeous boat with an open terrace. We all ordered 'kettle'sized' Hungarian Goolash, which was more of a soup than what us Americans call 'Goolash'. I don't know about you, but the Goolash I'M used to is more meaty, noodly, and tomato-y! This was more of a beef broth with huge hunks of vegetables and fresh beef. As different as it was, it was DELICIOUS... served with a dallop of Hungarian hotsauce if you choose, and endless bread! And the best part about it... it was only 1650, equivalent to about $12 american money! Not bad at ALL! There's some soups at PANERA that are probably more expensive... Hahaha!
After a gorgeous walk home along the river after dinner I came back to the Inter-Continental and enjoyed my DELUXE KING hotel room! When I walked in for the first time yesterday, I was SHOCKED that they even made beds as big as mine! It's HUGE!
Again, I LOVE Budapest! But for now... back to Iceland today at 1300, which isn't so bad, either!
-Lisa :-)
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