LE BALLON BLANC!!! This is the funniest story ever... Philippe found this random white balloon in his deluxe room and he didn't want it, so I decided to take it home with me for the night. Le ballon blanc ended up following me around everywhere! I woke up with it the next day by my side above my head, and after that I took it with me the everywhere I went for the rest of the day as a joke!

We thought it'd be funny to watch the real version of "Le ballon rouge" on YouTube to remember the famous french tale of the little boy that has the red balloon follow him everywhere, no matter where he goes... and since Philippe grew up in France and still speaks french fluently, he translated the entire 30 minute movie to me... "Go, balloon, go away!" Ha!

The boy originally finds the balloon stuck on a pole, gets it down, and carries it around with him, but then he gets in trouble at school for having it and he tries to get rid of it.

The balloon won't go away, and he keeps following him through the streets of Paris, until other kids get ahold of it and eventually deflate him. Then the boy gets sad, but immediately, other balloons from other kids all over Paris get yanked out of their hands and they all band together to form a hot air balloon (of sorts) to carry the boy away into the air high above the clouds! So unrealistic, but so cute, and so laugh-able when you find random white balloons in hotel rooms in Budapest...

Me, Philippe, and my beloved le ballon blanc...

Philippe & I went out for a walk down the street and I took Le Ballon blanc with me... Philippe and I just laughed as people came up to me and said, "You found a very nice balloon." THANK you! But he found ME... :-)
-Lisa :-)
1 comment:
that reminds me of your lil' pet fly you had around your apartment at one time...wasn't his name Boris??
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