The fried alligator tasted JUST like a chicken nugget. Couldn't tell if I was at a nice seafood restaurant in San Antonio or KFC! Ha! (No offense, Pappadeaux... I absolutely LOVED the restaurant, regardless!)
So later that afternoon (around 5pm) when Veni got back from her flight, we all met up and hopped the local bus downtown to the San Antonio riverwalk. OH. MY. GOSH. Absolutely gorgeous. About 20 minutes away from the hotel, a $1 bus fare to get there, and worth a million bucks! SO much to see...
Who's that girl on the bridge??? Hahaha :-)
They had these boat tours that were so cute and FULL of people. Everyone that floated by would wave at us, and one tour guide that saw the 3 of us profusely taking pictures pointed us out as a 'tourist attraction' as being 'JUST TOURISTS!' Hahaha!
This was around a bend that was so gorgeous... believe it or not, these are ALL HOTELS that line up along the riverwalk. I SO wish we were staying in one of these! Too bad they're so far from the airport, because otherwise I bet we would... Hyatt, Marriott, you name it, it's on the San Antonio Riverwalk.
Ahh! SO we stopped to take pictures, of course, and these 3 photography students stopped us from a Texas University to have our picture taken for a project they were completing. They were making a documentary on 'San Antonio life'... little did they know we're NOT from San Antonio, but they took some AWESOME pictures of us that are some of my absolute favorites from the night!
They're emailing the rest of them to Nick...
We moved onto the 'Five and Dime' store with all sorts of fun stuff! Texas souvenirs, cowboy hats, and cheap trinkets! I loved it!
And above the 'Five and Dime' is COYOTE UGLY... We peeked in and, sure enough, there was a whole troop of girls dancing in cowboy boots on the bartop and stools and guys were hootin' and hollerin' at them. I DO love that movie- it's just like the real thing! SO cute & fun!
Oh.... and Texas is FULL of Mariachi bands. Hahaha- serenading tables at all hours of the night! SO much fun! And so romantic too...
We kept on our walk and saw more dinner boat tours... serving caesar salads, rolls, drinks, and simple appetizers! How fun would that be?? All the passengers sit at a long dinner table on the boat! How fun!
This is on the bridge right across from the Marriott. There was a man on the balcony above us that was sitting and reading a paper and TOTALLY loving life. I wonder how much he paid for that room? What an amazing view! Worth it, I bet.
This was a little romantic restaurant on the riverwalk all lit up by lights that I thought would be a PERFECT date spot! How fun! There WERE alot of couples out that night walking hand in hand and all dressed up for dinner- I loved it! I hope the locals appreciate it and take advantage of it!
The Hard Rock: San Antonio. A staple... one of the nicer ones though, for sure! Such a view!
We did another stroll around as we decided on a place for dinner... this Five and Dime really caught our eye! We made 2 stops!
I thought these were SO funny... 'the Hillbilly BRIEF case'... What a funny gag gift!
A view from the upper deck of the Five and Dime, looking at Coyote Ugly and the upper level of the Mexican restaurant we ate at called 'RIO RIO the Original.' Such a beautiful 70 degree night!
Mmmmm.... Strawberry MARGARITAS!
And a Homemade MARGARITA on the rocks... FOR ME!!!
Ahh... Nick, will you foot the bill to take your two dates home in a horse drawn carriage???? Probably not. It was a good idea though! Ha!
What a fantastic city this is! I LOVE San Antonio, Texas! I hope I get to come here again! :-)
-Lisa :-)
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