Just thought I'd do a quick update from my home sweet home in Rockford, IL. I am SO enjoying my 10 days off this month... I've gotten to do dinners with my family every night, drinks with my best girlfriends in the evening (AND in the afternoon sometimes too... ha), and I squeezed in a quick but fun getaway to Chicago last weekend to visit my roommate from college. I've eaten at all my favorite places... Granite City, Beef a Roo :-)... and I've caught up on all my shows I've DVR'd since I've been gone. Also, my 25th birthday is TOMORROW so I've been running around planning the mini girls' party I'm hosting tomorrow night at a fun apartment we're renting out in downtown Rockford called "Jackson's Urban Retreat". I can't WAIT! I'm even starting my day off tomorrow with a new haircut and a mini bottle of champagne my hair dresser Micheal is letting me enjoy while he snips up my bob and styles it! ;-) How fun that will be!
I've definitely been keeping myself busy while I've been home, but at the same time, I am SO ready to go out on another trip because I want to fly more. LUCKY ME... I've already been assigned my next trip (or, VACATION as I like to call it...)... and it's to... DRUMROLL, please...

No joke. My first tropical trip... and apparently the hotel we stay at in the Philippines is right on the beach. I leave for paradise next Wednesday morning at midnight and it's a 6 day trip as of right now. (But, we all know how the LAST 6 day trip turned out in Budapest... I was extended for the full 18... and I LOVED it!) You better believe I'll throw in a couple extra sundresses just in case. :-)
This is SO exciting... I can't WAIT to update my blog more often when I am there. I'm sure I'll be taking hundreds of pictures! Stay tuned!
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend... next time I write I'll be a quarter century old! Scary, huh??? :-)
CHEERS to another 25 YEARS (and more...)!! :-)
-Lisa :-)

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