Crew members out for a treat after a long duty day... Philippe, Angela, Shelly, and Cortney.

Winding down in our hotel room after a long day.

The summers are beautiful in Ramstein, Germany!

Love these gardens!

Beautiful flowers in Ramstein, Germany.

Love our German vacations.

Decided to grow my hair out for a flight... you like??? ;-)

Our home away from home... shopping at the mall in Leipzig. :-)

Downtown Leipzig Train Station.

"The Last Supper"... ready to leave after an 18 day trip... we pooled together our food and had a buffet! BEAUTIFUL!!

The man loves his bread (+ cheese!)

Love our summer days off... can you see the wine or does it blend in with the shirt?? :-)

This is our new plane. The BOEIN 767.

German goulash, chili, wine, and all of the above!

Shopping downtown... love these teapots!

Caffe on the way downtown...

St. Nikolai Church


Playing with trains! He loved it!

Mini cars in Europe: as common as French men.
-Lisa :-)
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