The girls on our way to dinner: Andrea, Jill, me, and Stefanie. Stopping at the many "elephant" landmarks along the way!
This local man made "Chili Paste" on the side of the road and sold it to people that walked by. Fortunately, we didn't give in to it... but it was neat to see!! (We actually tried some at dinner later that night... BLLEECCCHHH! That is just NOT my thing... ;-)
There are HUNDREDS of girls standing outside these local "Beer bars" in Thailand... where you can get ALOT more than beers, let me tell ya!!!! Yikes!!! Thankfully, though, they were pleasant to us. We just 'kept on walkin'...
This street was particularly filled with bars and men scoping them out.

And ironically... across the street from these bars, was a statue idolizing the king of Thailand. "Long Live the King!!!"
The front desk suggested we try out this "PIC Kitchen" for an authentic Thai meal, just steps away from our hotel.
As soon as we walked in, the waitress told us we needed to take off our shoes to sit on the floor in the upstairs part of the restaurant. Andrea clearly, couldn't get over the fact that we were going to have our first authentic Thai meal on the floor!!! HOW FUNNY!!! I LOVE her face. She is such a riot!!
WOW... Is this straight out of a movie or what?? Can't even believe I am here in Thailand!!!!
The group at dinner... Philippe, Me, Jill, Stefanie, and Andrea.
Jill ordered the most delicious "Hot & Sweet" soup ever... that was served boiling in a kettle over a small fire!! So neat!!!
-Lisa :-)
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