I was SO excited when I saw this trip pop up on my schedule!! We don't usually fly to Hawaii, but it was a 'special mission' of sorts that Ryan was fortunate enough to do for the Department of Justice.
Good morning, Hilo!!! This is the view I had from my balcony at 6:30am at the hotel in Hilo, Hawaii.

When you walked out of the hotel lobby, the first thing you saw was a beautiful view of the Hilo Bay.

Soaking up the sun while we could! One of my favorite co-workers, Debbie Reeder loves the SUN even more than I do!!! She was out at the pool at 7am that morning in Hilo. We were only there for a mere 16 hours, but we made the most of it!!! :-)

This was one of the best and healthiest-tasting sandwiches I've ever had in my life!!! Made by a local on the island... thick wheat bread, turkey, tomatoes, sprouts, and cucumbers. I could make it myself at home... but it won't ever taste as good as it did in Hawaii!!! :-)
Not many people will ever be able to travel to Hawaii for "work"... let alone have an amazing overnight there and have it paid for by the company! We LOVE Hawaii... and we LOVE our jobs. :-)

From the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific... I'm still loving my job, now more than ever!!!

Our awesome crew we had: From top left: Lindsay Mitchell (Lead Flight Attendant), Shelley Holt, Stefanie Glidden. From bottom left: Debbie Reeder, Raashi Weaver, Chaniesa Peal, Me

Lindsay is such a fantastic lead! She is so even-tempered and super cool when things go "pear-shaped". A great lead F/A is determined by how they react in unexpected situations. She always keeps her cool!

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