
Seniority with an October Birthday? Nonexistent.

BIG DAY TODAY! Lots of new news was thrown at us. And also some random uniform pieces... which are super nerdy to the average person, but I'm confident I can make the pleated black pants & vest look semi-decent on my first flight. I MIGHT even look like a professional. :-)

So we had our 'service orientation' today(basically our 'food & beverage service' lecture) and some of us found out our OE flight assignments. Some of us... but not me. I have to wait another day, at least, until I'm cleared after my physical tomorrow morning. JoAnn flies out on Friday morning at 3:30am to Tacoma, and Nikki leaves on Saturday to do a turnaround in Cancun. Since I'm low on the seniority totem pole (damn October birthday... hehe), I was scheduled LAST for my physical, and I get the LAST O.E (that doesn't fly out until at least Monday), and I get the LAST stab at the line I'll be working on until September. But I could honestly care less... to me that just means a couple more days off for me up front. Thank goodness I'm flexible and don't have any plans coming up AT ALL. (Wait... Is that flexible... or does that mean I have no life? :-)

We got our luggage today too... cute 'crew' rollerboards... I can't help but think, 'How am I gonna pack 2 weeks worth of clothes into this if need be?' I'm gonna have to roll my clothes as tight as possible. AND learn to do laundry in my hotel sink and wash my white blouses with shampoo. Gross.


1 comment:

amyd713 said...

hey sis! do you think you will leave room for your "neo to go?"...you NEVER know when it will come in handy! : )