Cheers to the end of another great trip! (Err, one mini-one, in my case. I'm STILL HERE!)
Looks like we can find Christmas Festivals this time of year wherever we go! Here are the favorites of my last crew on our last night all together... celebrating the fact that we had a GREAT trip that we will always remember! :-)

Nikki, Danny, Philippe, Andrea, and myself... enjoying a happy hour drink in Danny's room before we head out for the night and enjoy our day off in Budapest!

Cheers to 'Stress free, drama free' flights together... and making the most of our long international layovers these past 2 weeks in Kuwait, Germany, and Hungary! We're living the life as international flight attendants!!!

Danny boy & his favorite lead flight attendant, Philippe! Danny boy invited us all over to his room around 5 for drinks and cocktail snacks before we hit the 'mean streets of Budapest' for our last night out on the town!!! Look how cute... pretzels, red & white wine, cheese sticks, great friends... what else could we ask for??

The Marriott HAPPY HOUR is somewhat of a tradition for us flight attendants on our days off during the week... Buy one, get one free... whatever you want, it's yours!!! I think we've all been here once or twice before... :-)

The girls! Andrea, me, and Nikki! Is it obvious we all have a great time together?? :-)

And Nikki and Danny... two peas in a pod, these two. What a great pair of buds!

Nikki and I ALWAYS find time to laugh... :-)

Come on, boys... are we ready to go??? We're waiting!!!!

Just some goofy flight attendants playing on the bellhop cart!!! Wanna go for a ride???

Can we get a little help, please???

In our NEXT lives... when we're NOT flight attendants... can we help you bring your bags up to your rooms and possibly JUMP START your vacations??? Promise we'll be good at it!!! :-)

Moseying on down the streets of Budapest... Danny found a GLUHWINE booth. Yummy HOT WINE for all!!!!

"You guys are so cute I can't stand it!" -Andrea.
"YEAH, SO??? -us :-)

Posing with our mugs of hot wine in Fashion Square in Budapest, Hungary. THIS is the life!

Friends and wine to keep us warm... what else do we need???

CHEERS to spending the holiday season overseas together!!! We love it!!!!
Friends & fellow flight attendants long after this trip ends. WE LOVE OUR JOBS!!!!
-Lisa :-)